Teaching Creation from the Inside

MON OCT 7 | 9-10am

The ancient doctrine that God created the world “from nothing” (creatio ex nihilo) is one of the most radical claims of our faith—yet we rarely reflect on its significance. This session reveals how the doctrine of creation is not a speculative teaching about cosmic origins, but rather a foundational insight into the very nature of the God-world relationship—with practical implications for the full spectrum of Christian belief, spirituality, and practice.

Dr. Brian D. Robinette is Associate Professor of Theology at Boston College. He researches and teaches in the areas of systematic, philosophical, and spiritual theology, with special interests in theologies of creation, the doctrine of God, and contemplative practice. Author of numerous academic articles, book chapters, and essays, his first book, Grammars of Resurrection: A Christian Theology of Presence and Absence (Crossroad, 2009), received awards from the Catholic Press Association and the College Theology Society. His second book, The Difference Nothing Makes: Creation, Christ, Contemplation, was published in 2023. With an abiding love of the classroom, Prof. Robinette teaches a range of undergraduate and graduate level courses and is active in the renewal of the core curriculum at Boston College.